Thursday, August 19, 2010

Two days ago I opened my Bible, looking for a message, some inspiration -- I was looking for God to speak to me directly. To answer my unanswered questions, very clearly. I opened up to a scripture in Ecclestastics... Chapter 3, I can't remember precisly the verse, but it read that there is no righteous man on earth who has done good that is not a sinner! Then it continued to say do not take what man says to heart... This verse was actually the answer to a question 2 days later, before I even asked the question. Fast forward, 2 days later -- I was trying to discern who someone I know, who is suppose to be a "spiritual devotee" could not see certain lessons before her. God already sent me the answer. So when I found myself beginning to asking why??? His answer from the scriptures came back to me and I felt at peace, this woman was not the one who was to help me.

Monday, August 16, 2010

when going online, one must approach the internet with clear direction and objectives, or else before you know it, your browsing some website you have no business being on! I must now approach the web as I do large department stores --- know what I'm getting on it for.  I started out on looking for some graphic inspiration, before I knew it I was on fb for 3 hours.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

One man's trash turns into recycled treasure for another...
found these pics on boing boing.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Last Thursday, 8.5.10 was a real test for me. My patience and faith were tested in ways they've never been tested before. I was at the point were I began to question my existence. I walked the streets of New York with tears pouring out of my eyelids! With the tumultuous events which happened on this Blessed day I attracted others with like kind experiences to myself. My mother (the most pious Christian I know) was one of them. My son (the most hopeful and optimistic person I ever met) who actually got good news that day, became so discouraged about life because of what he witnessed happening to me! It was so bad that I found myself genuinely reminding them to remain faithful and not let their faith waiver at all or else they would be defeated. (I kept thinking of Job). All the while, my own situation seemed hopeless. At that point, I knew I had to hold on!!! I kept running into NOs! At the last hour, when all seemed hopeless and I was about to retire for the night, at an unexpected hour, God Blessed me even more than what I asked for earlier. Lesson: trust God, hold on to your faith and KNOW that God will come through at the right time! I don't just believe, I KNOW. I am a witness!
Thank you God!

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

the passion of beauty...
pictures say a thousand words...

Today is August 4th and I missed a few days prior to posting this blog. On August 2nd I came to understand true friendship. One of my oldest and dearest friends shared a very basic human needed with me. She freely, without any second thoughts gave to me and my family. We have been through so many ups and downs, the two of us -- but at the core, we've been there for each other throughout everything and I know in my heart she will always be there for me and my family -- Thanks Jackie B. I love you very much. If all you have in life is one true friend, you have a lot. Cherish that person and handle with care! True friendship will weather any storm.


Sunday, August 1, 2010

Here is an expression that fully took meaning today, "God helps those who help themselves." This fact can be expressed in a variety of different ways: "The journey of 1000 miles begins with one step," "Men are made stronger on realization that the helping hand they need is at the end of their own arm," "The person who is waiting for something to turn up might start with their shirt sleeves" and this I most recently heard, "God gives every bird its food but, He does not throw it into its nest." The Bible says, Faith without works is dead, James2:17. They all have the same meaning... Whatever it is that you need or desire you must get up off your butt, you must take ACTION.

I am going through a really challenging time in my life. I am currently unemployed and I have young children and a dog who are dependent on me to provide for them. I was feeling down about my current situation, but what good is that? I needed to take action today to feed my family. The food was there, I just had to leave my nest to get it! When I took action, I got it! Thank you Jehovah!

No one is trash! Who do you think is more qualified for the office of president?